Bittersweet homecoming

Sarah was discharged this afternoon from the hospital. She was healing so well they let her go home a day early. It is very tough for us to leave the twins, but we live so close to the hospital that it makes sense. The babies’ doctors have told us that right now we should really focus our energy on resting and preparing ourselves for the time when we will be needed by them. They have explained that the babies need to be kept quiet and calm for the next few weeks (as if they are still in the womb) and over-stimulation at this point is not good for them. Soon we will be able to do things like Kangaroo Care.

Landon is doing very well with his breathing. The doctors expect to de-intubated him (remove the breathing tube) and put him on a nose ventilator. This is a very big step and will allow them to start tube feeding him breast milk.

Alissa has been switched to an oscillator. This is a different type of ventilator that pumps very rapidly instead of normal slow breaths. This has helped her tremendously. The doctors have told us she is very ill, but stable. They have said for the near future they are confident they can provide adequate support to keep her alive, but it will be up to her to grow and strengthen her lungs.

They both have been so strong and each time I see or think about them I feel great pride.

“Alissa (and her cute little tushie) and mom holding hands”


“Mom cradling Landon”


Bittersweet homecoming — No Comments

  1. To Landon
    Hi big guy,
    this is your Grandma She,I have so much to tell you but you are always so busy when I see you that I thought I would send a message to your Daddy.
    You need to know so many things like about soccer and how important it is to our family Oy Vey! everything revolves around the soccer schedule and you wouldn\’t believe the conversations after the games, the Uncles and Poppy go on and on about every play and who did what! ay, ay, ay…I guess you probably already know alot about it cause Mommy has been bringing you to all of Daddy\’s games anyway there are so many other things to tell you and to learn about. Your cousin Zacky will help you He knows how to throw a ball and all about trains and is the best at getting 2 cookies from his Mommy.
    Yes there is so much for you to know about this family and everybody who loves you but most of all I want you to know that I will always love you even when you do naughty things and I won\’t make you wash chocolate off your face or go to bed early.. so be brave big boy and grow strong so we can run in the park real soon.
    Love and Hugs
    Ole Ma
    To Lissy,
    I saw you yesterday and I couldn\’t believe how beautiful you are. You have very long fingers like me and I wanted to talk to you about stuff like being a Jellin Woman..They are very opinionated you know and quite head-strong and I could see you have decided that these are important qualities and I thought maybe we should discuss while you are quite young my opinion about fashion and other important things. you might decide you are very happy in jeans and such but dresses can be very nice and Mary Jane shoes can be a wonderful accessory. They make lovely lacy things and I always love ribbons and bows. Don\’t get me wrong I realize there is a time and a place for every outfit and I can be quite liberal. Just ask Emma, she is very knowledgeable about these things and she will also tell you about books and tea parties and princesses. But she is mostly an expert on animals.
    Well you must be patient with me please and don\’t mind too much if I spoil you. I\’m told Grandma\’s are allowed and I will try to share you with all the people who love you Our little sissy Lissy, Our little lion princess we can\’t wait for you to come home.
    All my love
    Grandma She