Mom meets the twins

Due to Sarah’s condition she spent most of the past day and a half in intesive care. This morning she was allowed to go meet them for the twins for the first time.

The twins are still doing well. We sre meeting with the doctors this afternoon to find out more about what to expect over the coming weeks and months.


Mom meets the twins — No Comments

  1. what an exciting moment that must have been! congratulations, Sarah! and on your way to complete recovery.
    You are a tough foursome – keep it up.
    Love omi

  2. Sarah!! I miss you and am praying for you daily. If there is anything you need give me a call, and I\’ll make sure the whole bulldog staff hears about it since I am such a STAR at emailing everyone. HA HA!! I know everyone is thinking about you. You are the new topic of conversation at lunch, well, between all the bitch fests. HA! 🙂 LOVE YOU!

  3. Parenting has always been a lot of hard work – but not usually so hard so soon.

    Please know our thoughts and best wishes go out to all 4 of you and we are comforted to know your family is getting the best care available. Were it not for the demands of your care, we would have been there like shot to see all of you; that will have to come later.

    Take Care & Best Wishes; -D&S

  4. Hi Jason & Sarah,

    Oh my gosh, I missed the birth date, darn it! However, I did get a look at the pics you posted and Lan the Man and Lissy the Lion are adorable!!! Congrats, to all of you for a job well done!
    Sarah, you take it easy while you can and you are sooooo right about getting rest in the hospital. Why is it that they like to wake the patient up at night all the time instead of during the day…lol
    Jason, that was a great website about preemie parents and oh so true. My brother had preemie twins and went through a lot of the emotions they talked about on the site.
    I worked for a boss that was born in Mexico. He was under a pound when he was born and the doctor had to read a book on how to build an incubator so he could survive. He ended up becoming the Vice President of one of the largest Import/Export businesses in the world. Thank God, for today\’s technology!
    So expect greatness from your two little ones. I think they fight so hard when they\’re little that they are bound to be very successful in life.
    Anyway, I\’m happy to hear all are doing well and look forward to holding the little ones when they get home.
    Again, my prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot…my mom said to say hello and Congrats to the both of you.
    Take care and talk to you soon.

    Love, Peace & Happiness,


  5. Jason, Sarah, Landon and Alissa, first off congrats to the proud parents! We are so happy to hear things are improving every day! Love and prayer are very powerful things. You all have enormous strength and are fighters, the best things you could have.
    We are thinking of you guys everyday!
    LOL, Mike and Tracy

  6. Helloooooooo Lady! I\’m happy to read that you and your babies are doing well! I know that your a very strong Woman and I know that you passed that on to your children. I am thinking positve thoughts for you and yours.. I love the names and can\’t wait to play with the munchkins!
    Love, Chloe