Here is a picture of our little lion. She has been doing pretty well considering her size. She is in excellent hands. Landon is also doing very well too. I hope to have one of “Lan the Man” soon, but he was unavailable for comment when I had my camera!
she\’s a gift from God. She\’s beautiful! We can\’t wait to meet the both of them.
We love you all so much. How\’s Mama doing?
Hey guys, congratulations on your babies. Lissy the Lion\’s beautiful and I\’m sure Lan the Man is too. I can\’t wait to meet them in person. Sarah and Jason, you guys are going to make the best parents ever!!!
Love Lindy
What a FAB pic of the little one!!! you\’re so great to keep us all in the loop during this hectic time – but we love it
keep the good energy coming – to Mom and the babes.
love Auntie J
Congratulations! Lissy the lion is so precious and sounds like a real fighter. So Lan the Man must be too. Hope that Sarah is now on her road to recovery.
Best wishes to all of you. And, of course, please let us know if we can do anything.